Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Jobs are vital to our communities. They build purpose, stabilize families, and offer dignity.

As a member and President of the LACCD Board of Trustees, I focused on expanding vocational, career and technical education programs. White collar jobs are not the only pathway to the middle class. I believe that the real fuel for any community is to have people working for fair wages.

I have learned that education is just a small part of a community college. Our work extends to economic development, procurement, training, and career pathways. These are not the first things we think about when we discuss education and jobs. But as your Assembly member, I will bring a unique understanding that will help our communities thrive.

Dreamers come to California. Let's share in their dreams and help make them realities in ways that stimulate the economy, support innovation and diversify revenue streams. We need to find new ways to create incentives for good and sustainable jobs that can flourish in the 54th Assembly District. We must encourage competition, while ensuring a safe working environment for everyone.
